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Paper Bag Puppet Craft

Create your own paper bag puppet craft and design him any way you want, just like God designed you!

Create your own paper bag puppet craft and design it any way you want, just like God designed you. Tune in to Little Image-Bearers to see this craft and more!

In season 1, episode 1 of Little Image-Bearers, Mr. Phipps created and designed a paper bag puppet. The biblical lesson of the episode is that God designed each one of us perfectly, from our eyes and nose, down to our feet and toes, and all the way through to our heart and mind. We truly are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27).

With that in mind, Mr. Phipps created a puppet out of a paper bag, taking time to give the puppet features such as eyes, a nose, a tongue, ears, and even buttons and a bow tie. He designed the puppet just like he wanted him – just like God designed us just like He wanted us. As your kids enjoy the paper bag puppet craft, use this time to teach them that God formed them, created them, and put so much care and detail into them…all because He loves them!


Create your own paper bag puppet craft and design it any way you want, just like God designed you. Tune in to Little Image-Bearers to see this craft and more!
  • Paper bag
  • Various colors of paper (pre-cut for younger children)
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
  • Crayons


Cut out shapes for eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. (Shapes may be pre-cut for younger children.) Additional shapes could include arms, legs, accessories, etc. Allow ample time for your child to be creative with how they want their puppet to look.

Create your own paper bag puppet craft and design it any way you want, just like God designed you. Tune in to Little Image-Bearers to see this craft and more!

Glue the shapes in the desired locations.

Create your own paper bag puppet craft and design it any way you want, just like God designed you. Tune in to Little Image-Bearers to see this craft and more!

Draw accessories on the puppet, such as buttons, a bow tie, hair, etc.

Create your own paper bag puppet craft and design it any way you want, just like God designed you. Tune in to Little Image-Bearers to see this craft and more!

Give your puppet a name and make him/her talk!

Create your own paper bag puppet craft and design it any way you want, just like God designed you. Tune in to Little Image-Bearers to see this craft and more!

This craft is simple but firmly reinforces the lesson of God forming and creating each and every one of us. We hope you and your kids enjoy it!

And be sure to check out Little Image-Bearers season 1, now available on digital and DVD!

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